Monday, January 20, 2014

What's New For Baby Hearts Press in 2014?

Dear Heart Friends:

We are well into January already and 2014 has been a very busy year indeed! What's new for Baby Hearts Press in 2014? So many things!

First of all -- please take a look at our totally revamped and refreshed website! Baby Hearts Press Heart Mom and "Heart to Heart with Anna" Guest, Callie Rickard has become Baby Hearts Press' newest Webmaster and Graphic Designer. It is with a heavy heart that we said "good-bye" to Sue Dove. Sue was our webmaster for over 15 years! Now with both children grown and out of the house, Sue is off on new adventures!

Callie isn't only our webmaster! Callie has set up a CafePress Boutique for "Heart to Heart with Anna" which has so many fun items! You'll want to check it out for fun Congenital Heart Defect Awareness items. The more we can get people to talk about congenital heart defects, the more likely we are to raise awareness and possibly save a life!  Heart to Heart Boutique

And Callie hasn't stopped there, either! Callie is also the Editor of the Heart to Heart with Anna Newsletter! Click the link to read the January Newsletter. If you go to the Heart to Heart with Anna website, you can also read the December Newsletter.

But we not stopping there! If a new website is good, and a CafePress makes everything even better then how about a YouTube presence, too! Wouldn't that be BEST?!  Yes! Now Baby Hearts Press has its own YouTube channel and we currently have TWO Book Trailers on You tube.

The first book trailer was produced by Esther Johnson and Joey Jaworski and is available here:  My Brother Needs an Operation but just today, January 20, 2014, Heart Mom and The Heart of a Mother contributor, Brenda Vignaroli, has created a book trailer for The Heart of a Mother, too.

Of course, perhaps the biggest news is that the pilot season of "Heart to Heart with Anna" is about to come to a close. This radio show especially for the Congenital Heart Defect Community has been a lot of fun to put together. We've covered a wide range of topics (from discovering that we are not alone to talking about the genetics involved in congenital heart defects to organ donation and transplantation to surviving the teen years with a complex CHD and had Guests who are parents, grandparents, siblings, doctors, nurses and a State Senator on the show. The next season should be even better! Please consider patronizing Baby Hearts Press so we can continue to fund this remarkable, one-of-a-kind radio show.

We hope you're enjoying all of the shows. Now you can join in the discussion by taking part in our open forum. Heart to Heart with Anna has a Forum under the Heart to Heart with Anna tab. Go there to leave your comments or questions regarding the shows you've heard.

We have other plans in store for Baby Hearts Press for 2014. Check back with us regularly to see what's new in 2014 for Baby Hearts Press!

Please visit Baby Hearts Press at for resources for the congenital heart defect community.


Anonymous said...

Just discovered this wonderful website and all the awesome work you're doing! As an HLHS Dad I will definitely make use of the resources here: I love that there's a book by and for heart dads...very important, which is why I started my HLHS Dad blog. Thanks for all you do!

Anna Jaworski said...

HLHSDad, please come back and give us the URL for your blog! Also, if you like this blog, I bet you'll really like which is where the book, "The Heart of a Father" is featured. I would love to read your blog. I feel that by co-editing "The Heart of a Father" I have a much great appreciation for my father and husband. I'm so happy to see more men communicating about dealing with a life with congenital heart defects. You might also enjoy the radio show. I hope you'll check us out!